lauantai 1. huhtikuuta 2017

Me in the Movies

(Written 2.4.17)

So last weeks have been little hard workwise and schoolwise. In a little attempt to get some drive back, I went and saw Ghost in the Shell. I was positively surprised how the movie went, I mean, the OAV was one of my formative years favourites.

The money's been used good. The movie has exellent visuals, the actors are at the very least passable, and even the 3d effects I loathe were not of instant migraine grade. Plot was... Independent. It worked as it stood, although not without it's flaws, and tried hard to honor it's setting and origin. Maybe too hard in places, as some of dialogue seemed little loose at times. It didn't bother much though.

The whining and bitching about making Major of 'different' ethnicity was just ridiculous. She is a cyborg after all. Johanssen made good job, although there was a sense of difference for the whole movie. In some way it makes sense: just as Stand Alone Complex was 'alternative reality' to original, this movie is as much. Expect OAV in live-action version and be dissapointed.

On the other news, I've read a lot about Hubris setting lately. Although I don't think that my crew would like the setting itself, the ideas presented in the book are very nice additions to any DCC game, like firearm rules and calling the name of deity.

keskiviikko 8. helmikuuta 2017

Shit hits the fan

Yesterday I got taste of what is school today. At higher polytechnic level, one is expected to "handle stress and uncertainty amidst the immediate deadlines and those that come later" as one tutor expressed the thing. And then we got shitload of new assignments and deadlines.

This naturally cuts into my prep-times. Luckily our good crew has lately started talking about D&D 5th ed games, so it's not all on my shoulders... We shall see.

On the Kalevalan DCC front, I happened to pass by nearby city's hobby store (my town hasn't got one), and to my dismay I found a Kalevalan RPG made in RQ; a thick A5 sized book with hard covers and all. Sadly, the thing was little outside my budget, so it remained there. Still, my wind on working on the DCC setting is somewhat gone for now, for aforementioned reasons.

Maybe, if RPGPundit ever manages to publish his Last Sun setting, I will run that for our crew. But for now I need to concentrate on the school.

tiistai 7. helmikuuta 2017

Back in school

Returning to the school world has been arduous. I missed first three days due to the back problems, and now I'm struggling with catching up... Becoming a clinical expert seems little far away goal.

Lucky there is coffee.

sunnuntai 15. tammikuuta 2017

Back is killing me

No updates for a while, my back is killing me. Seems like something that runs in the family, although work has not really helped any.

maanantai 2. tammikuuta 2017

Of Kalevala and DM

The DCC, as per rulebook, assumes adventures focusing on gaining treasure and power through adventure, intrigue or other somesuch means. In this sense, early iron age pseudo-Finland is challenging to give players a chance to attain the loot and fame. This means I need to make the Kalevalan lands far more "compact"; certainly, we aren't even historically speaking of very long distances, but even with horse-sled, the path through Karelia and Finland would have taken weeks. And horses were scarce; Kalevala itself mentions Väinämöinen having few, as well as Joukahainen having two, and few between. The land itself is filled with lakes and swamps. This makes longer journeys into downtime, effectively, or I need to make horses less scarce, and some in-game-world logic for someone to have made decent roads. Roads also mean major settlements, something little lacking in real-world Finnish iron ages. And so forth.

So, essentially I need to build an iron age Kalevala, that is conductive for PC interaction.

I already slightly touched the problem in previous post. "Dungeons" can be provided from two immediate sources:
- Ruins and ghost-towns of Pohjola (intention to introduce Sauna-like eldrich horror themes)
- More conventional "stone-cathedrals" of trolls (but also may contain horror elements, as in Ontot Kukkulat)

The opposition for players should mainly be natural, as in feuding tribes and eastern raiders, bandits and outlaws, as well as dangerous animals (wolves mainly, also bears). Also disease and weather should play role. But there are elements of supernatural horror in sources, like Iku-Turso (most commonly depicted as kraken-like monster, but also as more elongated, emanciated frog-demon, also doubles as deity of war). Spirits themselves (that are aplenty in the Finnic folklore) will be twisted and unpredictable. I envision that in the end I'd use "pools" of magic, i.e. old forgotten groves, caves and burrows of murdered bears (a sacred creature) and abandoned villages and such as source for such perversion of natural order that provide for supernatural foes and dangers. Mostly angry and "diseased" spirits, but also fey and animals will do for non-human enemies. There will be giants and other more traditional foes, even dragons, as not only Scandinavia will be under such effect of lingering magic but all the world has lived under the rule of sagas for a time. I have no real intention to research upon such matters but if need and time permits, it is not ruled out.

The Kalevala ended with Väinämöinen leaving the world, chastized by a child whom he proclaimed the King of Kalevala. Extrapolating from this, there has been a line of Kalevan kings; I envision that the line of kings has declined, perhaps completely cut short? And thus the old tribal (based on locality) connections have started to mean more. But also the kingship should have meant more centralized rulership, and attempts at building roads, hence also taxes and more trade. Also, as king has ruled over the Finns, this has meant diplomacy with the other nearby kingdoms; Swedes, Novgorod, Norway etc... Now, since it is prudent to use such devices, I'd say Swedes at the very least have made a presence in the south-west, trading and introducing things from wider world to the Kalevan peoples. This includes religion, and as such there will be a new contender in the god-business, as I think it'd be more potential for adventuring business for having a contest of belief in the southern areas, if that's what PCs wish to intrest themselves with. Also the south-west would be the primary source of things like steel weapons and armor, although dwarves living in the inland should make these items more reasonably priced than IRL.

Coinage and trade is another thing to convert. I think the most straightforward road is to make most trading as exchange of goods. Treasure, mostly iron, copper, silver and gold will be more valuable in regions where foreign traders do business. There will not be coins, or at least they aren't of fixed price, in most of the country. Items and pieces of silver and gold are valuable in the coastal areas and trade centres, whereas inlands you'd get more for iron, copper and tin items. Furs are more consistent trading item; 100 red squirrel counts roughly as 30 fox furs, and 10 pelts of wolf would net you a good sturdy iron blade anywhere in the land. This would make a background as trader very valuable addition to the group.

"Vikings" will be included- Norwegians will be still worship the norse pantheon, and this causes strife between them and christianized Danes and Swedes. They rarely raid Finns though as more lucrative loot may be found from Novgorod and Kievan Rus, not to mention Byzantine Empire, but I see them more active than IRL in Finland. Novgorodians will have their slavic pantheon, instead of Orthodoxy, and are more disparate for all that. Actually, with further thinking I'd be willing to disband the whole notion of Novgorod unity and make the south of Kalevala as hodgepodge of slavic and fennic tribes, as they were in the early 400-600s.

I need to think about that latter part in particular. It'd be important for there to be some potential conflict everywhere, but it shouldn't be as if everywhere there'd be bloody battles and consistent raiding going on all the time.

perjantai 30. joulukuuta 2016

Easily distracted

So, during the holidays I opened once more the good old Kalevala and read it. And it got me thinking; this would do nice DCC setting, and moderately familiar to my crew. In addition to Kalevala itself, I'd draw inspiration from brilliant CRPG UnReal World, and Ontot Kukkulat by Petri Hiltunen. Also listening to Amorphis' great albums has had some influence. 

The rough-and-tumble conversion for system would go as follows;

- Mages would not learn spells only from tomes or books (barring exotic spells from foreign countries), instead main way of learning the words of Power that Väinämöinen and Louhi left behind as they departed the World is from other shamans, witches and mages. Also spirits and patrons teach supplicant, and some books have powers, but as all ways are expensive and arduous, the books are particularily so due to there being two-three witches for every book.
- Instead of elves and halflings, there'd be two types of fey; trolls and goblins. These'd function mechanically identically to the book, but instead of alien and intelligent elves one would play gifted and primal trolls (man sized, slightly more animalistic and exotic skin/hair colourations like blue/purple hues), and instead of small comfort-seeking halflings you get mischevious and curious goblins (same size, grey/green skin and wide range of hairstyles).
- Dwarves are unchanged, but their story is slightly different; the dwarves that reside in the lands of Kalevala are refugees now residing in the abandoned stone cathedrals of trolls, cast out from their lands in Danmark and Sweden by the coming of Church and clergy. In Norway the old ways still hold sway, but the clans have been at odds since times of old and as such refused shelter. Hence, they travelled over the sea, and have somewhat integrated into Kalevan societies with their impeccable smithing skills.
- The tribe/clan of human character counts; one tribe has knowledge on old runes (necessary for learning true magic from old texts), one has good relations to Swedes, one knows the secrets of swamps, one has fought decades against the Njerpez (eastern raider tribe)... So forth.
- Gods are real and thus give power to clerics. Although only the missionary characters may become literal clerics; others are called shamans and wise-men, even witches.
- Mage and cleric classes have little less difference in this setting, mainly the fact that deity-given power is not hampered by armor whereas using words of Power draws raw strength of the Tuonela (Netherworld), or the Taivas (Sky), or even the Linnunrata (Milky Way) and thus is more incident-prone when channeler is clad in metal.
- The Pohjola is abandoned, a sprawling ruin left to rot, and adventurerers to explore. I've always seen the land of the Pohjan Akka as industrous place where magic is used to augment the natural, as later on the LoTR trilogy showed Saruman doing (my first reading to Kalevala was, what 25 years ago? I was really impressed by the scene when the movie came out). I think this might be good choice to introduce a place of urban ruin exploration, since most Kalevan towns are small (100-500 people tops) hill forts where no considerable riches are about. Also it would introduce a mystery, i.e. what happened to Pohjolans after Akka left?

More to come about this later, I hope.

sunnuntai 18. joulukuuta 2016